WARNING! Minors providing false information when obtaining alcoholic beverages over the internet will face criminal prosecution and civil liability. Violators may be charged federally with wire and credit card fraud, and under multiple state laws prohibiting the attempted purchase or possession of alcohol by minors. Penalties include monetary fines, jail time, criminal probation, loss of driver’s license and a criminal record that must be disclosed on job and college applications. Licensed sellers of alcohol (including wineries and retailers) who pay large fines and lose alcohol license privileges for sales to minors are entitled to sue the minor for compensation. All internet customers must provide a credit card number and delivery address and can therefore be POSITIVELY identified to law enforcement. IF YOU’RE UNDER 21 — DON’T RISK YOUR FUTURE!
Wine cannot be shipped to a PO box, and person aged 21 or above must be present at the shipping address to receive the shipment.
We recommend use of a business address to facilitate delivery of your purchase. Wine will not be delivered to a visibly intoxicated person by UPS. Failure to produce age verification forfeits the right to receive the shipment until identification is produced. In such circumstances, the order may be held in storage at a local UPS warehouse until appropriate identification is produced, or it may be shipped back to the winery. All associated costs will be the responsibility of and be charged to the customer.
Wine orders placed on the internet will usually be shipped in 2-3 business days (shipping is done Monday – Friday only). Due to extreme cold or hot temperatures packages may be held so that wine is not damaged. Please allow 5-7 business days for normal delivery.
Unfortunately we cannot ship wine to all states. The list below indicates which states do not prohibit us from shipping wine. We will only ship wine to the states listed below. For further information on shipping laws regarding wine contact one of the folllowing. www.winelaw.org or www.freethegrapes.org
We can ship to the following states: AZ, FL, IL, IA, MN, NM, TX